
Façade for Building Construction

This term derived from the Italian word “Facciata”. Façade means exterior wall of a building and that contains of doors and windows. It gives very unique and aesthetical look to the building. As time passes and technology improves it has been evolved and now a days it performs the role related to energy performance and interior function of a building. It is very important to choose suitable façade system for a building that will consume energy and reduce maintenance cost and improve comfort level. There are different types of Façade Ø   Lightweight Façade: It is placed to support the loads that create stress to their components. There are two types of lightweight façade. Curtain wall and panel wall. This façade will provide good pathway for lights to come in. This can be installed in medium and high rise building. Ø   Heavyweight façade: As name shows it has very high weight.   Ø   Prefabricated Façade: This type of façade prefabricated and assembled on sit